Prizes, Qualifications, and Awards

15 time champion of Venezuela
since 1988-2007
represented her native country
in more than 35 countries
Two time Pan-American women champion
Carolina knows the dedication and time to become a professional not only in chess but in the academic field and reach the top. She has experience teaching in different countries in 3 languages including ( Spanish, English and Portuguese). She resides in U.S.A since 2006. Carolina likes all kind of sports and some of her friends are top professionals in those sports. She enjoys the critical thinking in a game that highly encourages people to focus, besides all the other benefits that chess provides.
my passions
In my profession as an Orthodontist personal aesthetics and a beautiful smile are an integral part of an individual’s health which also increases their self esteem. This results in a more positive attitude resulting in a positive chain reaction in our daily life and in the lives of those we touch. This site is dedicated to my family, friends and all people who shares my passions.
Chess Master
- 15 time Women and Girls Champion of Venezuela from U-10 section until the Adult Master Category.from 1988-2007
- Participation at the Miami International Chess Open. Miami-Florida 2007
- Participation and Top 5 at the World Medical Games in the Chess Category. Croatia 2010
- Georgia Women’ State Champion . Atlanta-Georgia 2009,2011,2013
- Participation at the Dubai Open. Dubai-UAE. 2012,2013,2014
- Participation at the Millionaire Chess Open. U.S.A 2014,2015,2016